Friday, October 31, 2008

Sushi in VT

I was up in Burlington, VT for a few days this week and I gotta say, its easier to find a Sushi joint than a French Bistro up there. Sushi is literally taking that little town by storm.
Not to mention, a huge Sake following is brewing as well.

If it weren't that darn cold in the winter, I'd recommend a road trip next month.
Clean crisp air, beautiful clear skies and the most stars you've ever seen in a night.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mr. Jones

NY Mutual Trading is excited for the much anticipated opening of Mr. Jones, featuring Chef Bryan Emperor.
Mr. Jones will be highlighting Yakitori, with all the fixins.

Mr. Jones
243 E 14th St (between 2nd & 3rd)
New York, NY 10003
(212) 253-7670

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Toro Lovers

The wait is over. NY Mutual Trading will be handling Super Frozen Blue Fin Toro starting in November.
The toro is frozen right on the boat at -40 to -60 degrees F in order to maintain perfect cellular structure. There is no drip!
That means its fresher than if it were caught on the other side of the world and flown over to the restaurant over night.